Your profile information helps to personalize your 23andMe experience. We also use this information to develop and improve our services to you and facilitate research.
Personal Information | DNA Relatives Profile
Personal Information
You can update the personal information for each profile in your account (e.g. profile name, sex, and date of birth) using account settings from within your account. To access your account settings, open the account menu by clicking on your profile name and then select Settings.
You can modify any of the information in this section by clicking the Edit link. In order to update the profile date of birth, additional verification is required. If you have difficulty completing the action you can contact for further assistance.
DNA Relatives Profile
The 23andMe DNA Relatives feature is an optional feature through which users can discover and connect with genetic relatives in the 23andMe database. You are not included in DNA Relatives until you opt in to the feature. If you choose to opt in and participate in DNA Relatives, all of your matches will be able to view your display name, profile sex (Male/Female), profile picture, and the percent DNA as well as the number of segments you share. Learn more.
You can update your DNA Relatives profile by clicking here or by clicking on the Edit Profile link located in the DNA Relatives feature.
Display Name | Enhanced Profile | Show Ancestry Results
Display Name
The DNA Relatives feature has multiple privacy options to suit your individual preferences. If you choose to participate in this feature, you will be asked to choose a display name. Your display name is how your profile name will appear to genetic relatives. You can choose to participate using your name, your initials, or a combination of the two.
Enhanced Profile
In addition to your display name, you may choose to add additional information about your family's ancestry to enable more connections. You can add the following information to your DNA Relatives profile:
- Additional information about what you’d like to discover
- Information about your ancestors' birthplaces to find shared family origins
- Family surnames to help you and your relatives track your lineages more easily
- A URL to your family tree to look for common ancestors
Show Ancestry Results
Showing ancestry results makes the following additional genetic information available to your matches in DNA Relatives without an individual sharing request:
- The results of your Ancestry Composition Report
- The location of your shared DNA segments
- Your Maternal and Paternal Haplogroup Reports
- Your Neanderthal Report
If you are reviewing this article because you are interested in exercising your Right to Rectification under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please review our guide here.