23andMe has an automated account deletion process. If, at any time, you are no longer interested in participating in our Services, you may delete your 23andMe account directly within your Account Settings.
In order to perform this action, additional verification is required. If you have difficulty completing the action you can contact customercare@23andme.com for further assistance.
Once you submit your request via your Account Settings, we will send an email to the email address linked to your 23andMe account detailing our account deletion policy and requesting confirmation of your request. Once you confirm your request, we will immediately and automatically begin the deletion process and you will lose access to your account. Once confirmed, this process cannot be canceled, undone, withdrawn, or reversed.
If you participated in 23andMe Research, your Personal Information will no longer be used in any future research projects. If you asked us to store your genetic samples, they will be discarded. We will retain limited information about you, including records of this deletion request, and other information as required by law and otherwise described in our Privacy Statement.
We recommend that you review our full Privacy Statement, or email privacy@23andme.com, for more information about deleting your data before submitting your request.
Please note, we will not be able to support any access requests for your Personal Information if you delete your account. We recommend downloading any Personal information from within your Account Settings before submitting your deletion request.